Articles on: Charge App

Why does the dashboard screen show a different currency to the one I’ve selected?

Charge for Stripe allows users to accept payments in LOTS of different currencies by selecting from the list of currencies displayed in the settings section. HOWEVER, the dashboard screen will display values in the default currency of your Stripe account.

For example, if your Stripe account is registered in Australia, AUD will be your default currency and the chart will show values in AUD. If you change to accept payments in another currency (e.g. USD), the values displayed on the chart will still display AUD and the values displayed will be the converted equivalent of the payments converted to AUD. If you select an individual payment you will be taken to the ‘Payment Details’ screen which will show you the amount processed in the currency you selected (in this case, USD) and then show you the amount converted into your default currency (in this case, AUD).

As of July 2018, it appears there is no way to change the country in which your Stripe account is registered as per the Stripe documentation here, so it would be necessary to register a new Stripe account if you would like to change your default currency. This is out of our control, however you may wish to contact Stripe directly to see if they are able to assist with this.

Updated on: 08/08/2019

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